These two words woke me up this fine Sunday morning. I AM incomplete, I have left things incomplete, and I AM insufficient. BUT THAT IS ACTUALLY A TESTAMENT TO THE FACT THAT I NEED OTHERS....and so do you.
Hemingway wrote about the self-sufficient man in his books. But the author committed suicide with a shotgun to the head. If we were truly meant to be self-sufficient....I can do all things without any support, I make my own rules, I do all things without anyone...then how is there any knowledge, any wisdom, to continually perpetuate the species? We DO need each other, we ARE interconnected, we MUST involve others in our lives. King Solomon, notably the wisest person to have ever lived, stated, "The man who separates himself is not wise."
So, I am writing this as a reminder to us that we all have (and have had) mentors, those that pass on knowledge so we can be aptly skilled, sociable, generous, wealthy, employable, employed, and thoughtful. Watch an infant from birth through the first year of life and you will be reminded of the necessity of others in our lives.
Remembering my incompleteness and insufficiency does not keep me from striving to be better. The reminder for me, though, is that I have a part to play. I am not the play. And that is much less stressful.
Good, good morning, My Lord.